Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion)  14 Arten

Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) ahli, Myers 1933

(The Genera of Indo-Malayan and African Cyprinodont fishes related to Panchax and Nothobranchius. Copeia, 1933 (4): 183-184.)

Bedeutung des Namens: Nach Dr. Ernst Ahl, Berlin

Type locality: Tropical West Africa (Nziou, immediately south of Longji, Cameroun, subseq.). 

Aphyosemion ahli Cellucam "ADK 2011/402"

Fänger: Agnèse, Dening & Kayoum  (Kamerun 2011)    Geographische Lage: N 03 52 321 E 010 09 020 

Aphyosemion ahli GEMLCG 2007/64

Fänger : Malumbres, Lora, Capilla, Gonzalez (Äquatorialguinea 2007)


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) australe, Rachow 1921

Die Zahnkarpfen oder Kärpflinge. Teil 2. Die eigebarende Zahnkarpfen (Cyprinodontidae oviparae). Die Gattung Haplochilus. pp 26-27. In: K.Stansch, Bibliothek für Aquarien -und Terrarienkunde, Braunschweig, No 16.)

Type locality: Cap Lopez (today, Cap Gentil), northwestern Gabon.

Aphyosemion australe "Nyonie CTC-12"

Fänger: Thibault  Cavelier (Gabun 2012)

Geographische Lage: Nyonie



Aphyosemion australe "Parc du Mondah BDBG 2004-19"

Aphyosemion australe "orange spotless"






Aphyosemion australe "Cap-Esterias EBT 1996-27"


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) bochtleri, Radda 1975  (herzogi group)

(Contribution to the Knowledge of Cyprinodonts of Gabon with the Description of four new Species and one new Subspecies of the Genus Aphyosemion Myers. British Killifish Ass. Publ., Separatum: 20 pp., 12 pls., tab.)  


Type locality: 300 m on right side of a village near Mintoum, northern Gabon.

Aphyosemion bochtleri "Mintoun GWW 86/11"


Fänger: Peter Wagner & Roland Wendel  (Gabon1986)


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) calliurum, G.A.Boulenger 1911

(Descriptions of new African Cyprinodont Fishes. Annals & Magazine of Natural History. series 2 (8) VIII (44): 265.)

Type locality: Nigeria (Liberia or Sierra Leone as first stated, erroneous ; near Lagos, southwestern Nigeria, subseq.).

Aphyosemion calliurum "Funge ADK 2011/402"

Fänger: Agnèse, Dening & Kayoum (Kamerun 2011)

Geographische Lage: N 03 52 321 E 010 09 020

Aphyosemion calliurum "Bogongo CB 3SR 07/20"

Fänger: Pavel Berounský, Pascal Sewer, Ondřej Sedláček,

Václav Sedláček & Boris Rychnovský (Kamerun 2007)






Aphyosemion spec. Koloko  "CGVPM 2015-25"

Fänger: Gonzalez, Vizcaíno, Portal & Meijide



Aphyosemion calliurum "Majidun Ilaje" Nigeria 2003


Aphyosemion spec. Makanja "ABK 2007-146"


GPS: N 04 34 760 E 09 30 927

Datum 20.01.2007, 9:15 Uhr

Pumpstation südöstlich von Kumba in Gummiplantage (Makanje Ruber Estate). Fluss hinter der Station. Ladouma Dorf (Badouma auf der Karte), Wasserversorgung.

Vorhandene Spezies: A. celiae, Epiplatys sp, Barbus sp


Die A. celiae, auf die Bezug genommen wird, sieht aus wie A. calliurum, ein DNA-Test (Agnése) bringt dies am nächsten zu

A. celiae


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) campomaanense, Agnèse, Brummett, Catalan, Caminade & Kornobis 2009

(Genetic characterization of the Aphyosemion calliurum species group and description of a new species from this assemblage: A.campomaanense (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheiloidei: Nothobranchiidae) from Southern Cameroon.)


The Aphyosemion calliurum species group is poorly diagnosed by chromatic and meristic characteristics leading various authors to propose different species as members. We used partial sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene to characterize all species that have been at one time or another included in the A. calliurum species group. Results obtained allowed a clear definition of the group which is composed of 10 species: A. ahli, A. australe, A. calliurum, A. celiae, A. edeanum, A. franzwerneri, A. heinemanni, A. lividum, A. pascheni, and a herein newly described species A. campomaanense. This new species is described from 26 specimens captured in small streams of the Campo-Ma’an region within the Ntem River basin of southern Cameroon. A. campomaanense n. sp. is distinguished from all the other species of the A. calliurum species group, and above all from A. ahli, by asymmetric coloration of the caudal fin with a yellow lower margin and a white upper margin, and a body with a dark blue background against which red spots are arrayed in horizontal rows towards the head merging into vertical rows posteriorly. This species is also genetically distinguished from the other species of the A. calliurum species group by its mitochondrial genome and its karyotype, characterized by an unusually high number of chromosomes and arms (2n= 44, NF=58).

Aphyosemion  campomaanense "ABK 07/181"       

Fänger: Agnèse Brummett et Kornobis (Kamerun 2007)    Geographische Lage: N 02 20 039 E 10 12 344


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) celiae (celiae), Scheel 1971

(Aphyosemion franzwerneri & Aphyosemion celiae, two new Rivulins from Cameroon. Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine 19 (5): p52-61.)

Type locality: near John Epie's House in Mambanda, near Kumba, western Cameroun.

Aphyosemion celiae Teke CXC 21

Fänger: Jaap Vlaming, Bas Vlijm und Geert-Jan van Huijgevoort (Kamerun 1990)



Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) celiae (winifredae), Radda & Scheel 1975

(Neue Formen der Gattung Aphyosemion Myers, aus dem südwestlichen Kamerun. Das Aquarium 9 : 100-103, fig 5.)

Aphyosemion celiae (winifredae) "Ebonji"


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) edeanum, Amiet, 1987 

The book - Fauna of Cameroon. Vol 2. The Genus Aphyosemion Myers. English text pages; 223-226,

135-226. Figures 74-76.

Bedeutung des Namens: Nach dem Fundort Edea

Type locality: Mapubi, ca. 35 km east of Edea, Sanaga basin, Cameroun.

Aphyosemion edeanum  "Pama ADK 2010/323"

Fänger: Agnèse Jean-François, Dening Cyrille & Kayoum Grégoire (Kamerun 2010)

Geographische Lage: Pama  N 03 16 420 E 10 05 235, 737

Aphyosemion edeanum "Makondo"

Fänger: Sebastian Korte (Kamerun 2017)


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) franzwerneri, Scheel 1971.

(Aphyosemion franzwerneri & Aphyosemion celiae, Two New Rivulins from Cameroon. TFH Magazine. January 1971, pages 61-66.)

Type locality: 15 km north of the Douala-Edéa-Yabassi road junction, towards Yabassi, eastern Cameroun.

Aphyosemion franzwerneri "Ndokama II Makio CMG 13/4"

Fänger: Malumbres  & Gonzalez  (Kamerun2013


Aphyosemion mitemelense Malumbres, Sonnenberg & Zee, 2022


Malumbres, Sonnenberg & Van der Zee. 2022

Graellsia, 78(2): e173

Vista de Tres nuevas especies de killis (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae) de Guinea Ecuatorial (csic.es)


Two new species of 𝑀𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑎𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛 and one new species from the '𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛' ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑧𝑜𝑔𝑖 species group are described for mainland Equatorial Guinea.

Based on mtDNA, the new '𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛' from the Mitemele river basin, in southwestern mainland Equatorial Guinea, is a basal species to the rest of the species studied. It is distinguished from the two described congeners, '𝐴.' 𝑏𝑜𝑐ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑖 and '𝐴.' ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑧𝑜𝑔𝑖 by a combination of diagnostic color characters. The unpaired fins and flanks have a green background and the caudal peduncle is usually yellow to gold with irregular dark red bars. The species group '𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛' ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑧𝑜𝑔𝑖 has a similar distribution to 𝑀𝑒𝑠𝑜𝑎𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛, but with its northern limit in southern Cameroon.

Based on mtDNA, the new '𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑦𝑜𝑠𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛' from the Mitemele river basin, in southwestern mainland Equatorial Guinea, is a basal species to the rest of the species studied. It is distinguished from the two described congeners, '𝐴.' 𝑏𝑜𝑐ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑖 and '𝐴.' ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑧𝑜𝑔𝑖 by a combination of diagnostic color characters. The unpaired fins and flanks have a green background and the caudal peduncle is usually yellow to gold with irregular dark red bars.

Genetic data indicate that the group of species contains several more species, which are genetically and by color pattern well defined, and which have not been formally described.


Aphyosemion herzogi – Group

Equatorial Guinea - Gabon

Aphyosemion herzogi

Aphyosemion bochtleri

Aphyosemion mitemelense

Aphyosemion sp. aff. herzogi


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) herzogi, Radda 1975

(Contribution to the knowledge of the Cyprinodonts of Gabon, with the description of four new species

and one new subspecies of the genus Aphyosemion Myers. Killi-News 118 (Seperate): 5-6, plates 10-11.


Bedeutung des Namens: nach Werner Herzog

Type locality: ca. 3 km north Zoumoukou (Zomoko), 16 km north of Lalara, road Mitzic-Oyem, northern Gabon

Aphyosemion herzogi "Nsork-Oveng GEMLCG 2007/23"

Fänger: Malumbres, Lora, Capilla & Gonzalez (Äquatorialguinea 2007)





Aphyosemion herzogi 

"Nsork-Oveng GEMGV 2012-6"




Aphyosemion herzogi "Zomoko"



Aphyosemion spec. aff herzogi

"GEGVPO 2018-27 Nidang"



Aphyosemion mitemelense  "GEGVP 2016-9"


Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) heinemanni,  Berkenkamp H.O 1983

(Beschreibung eines neuen Prächtkarpflingen aus Ost-Kamerun, Aphyosemion heinemanni spec. nov. (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae). Revue Zoologie Africaine 97 (4) : 801-815, figure 1.)

Type locality: Song Mahi, situated in the affluents to Nyong river system, eastern Cameroun.




Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) lividum,  Legros & Zentz, 2007

(Aphyosemion lividum n. sp. (Cyprinodontiformes: Nothobranchiidae), une nouvelle espèce originaire de la région d’Edéa au Cameroun. AKFB Killi-Contact n°6 décembre 2007) 



Aphyosemion lividum "AP 2013/528"



Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) pascheni pascheni, Ahl E. 1928.

(Beiträge zur Systematik der africanischen Zahnkarpfen. Zoologischer Anzeiger 79 (3-4): p 122-123, figure.)

Type locality: Longji, Cameroun

Aphyosemion pascheni  "Mougue ABL 08/200"   

Fänger: Agnèse Brummett und Lambert (Kamerun 2008) Geographische Lage:   N 3.9.402 E 10.20.704 


Aphyosemion  pascheni pascheni "ABK 2007-167

Fänger: Agnèse Brummett et Kornobis

Geographische Lage: N 03 00 495 E 10 03 502

Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) pascheni festivum

Erstbeschreibung: Amiet J.L 1987.

(Fauna of Cameroon Vol 2. The genus Aphyosemion Myers (Pisces: Teleostei, Cyprinodontiformes). Scieces Naturales, Compiegne. p 262. Includes plates, maps, line drawings & figures.)

Aphyosemion pascheni (festivum) "Nyete"




Aphyosemion (Scheelsemion) tirbaki,  Huber 1999.

(A new Species of Cyprinodont Fish, Aphyosemion tirbaki n. sp. (Cyprinodontiformes: Aplocheilidae) from Gabon, with further Evidence of the Frontier Species Concept. Freshwater & Marine Aquarium (FAMA), 22 (4), April: 104-118, 5 figs., 1 tab)

Bedeutung des Namens: nach Peter Tirbak.

Type locality: near Tsotandzala, a village on road from Lastourville to Moanda, Joumini river, southeastern Gabon.

Aphyosemion tirbaki "BSWG 97/8"

Fänger: Thomas Blum, P.Sewer, H.Weder und R.Gluggenbuehl (Süd- Gabun 7-8 1997)